Attach, Decay, Sustain, Release
This lecture explains envelopes: what they are, how to synthesise them and how to measure the envelopes of existing audio signals. It covers linear envelopes (ramps) and exponential envelopes. ADSR (attack-decay-sustain-release) envelopes will be covered in a later lecture.
Table of contents
- What you’ll learn in this lecture
- What you’ll make in this lecture
- Code examples
- Recommended parts
- Further reading
Lecture 12: Envelopes
What you’ll learn in this lecture
- Linear and exponential envelopes
- Generating ramps by counting samples
- Finding the envelope of an audio signal
What you’ll make in this lecture
- A ramp-controlled filter (several versions)
- A simple percussion instrument
- An envelope follower auto-wah effect
Code examples
ramp-filter: Template project providing a wavetable oscillator and filter. The task is to generate a linear envelope to change the cutoff frequency of the filter. Later in the lecture, analog controls are added.
ramp-filter-class: The same idea as ramp-filter
but with the envelope moved into a class. The task is to implement Ramp.cpp
percussion: A simple percussion instrument to be completed with an exponential envelope and a pushbutton attached to a digital instrument.
envelope-follower: Template for creating an auto-wah effect where the cutoff frequency of a resonant filter tracks the envelope of the incoming audio signal.
Recommended parts
Running the examples in this course assumes that you have a Bela Starter Kit or Bela Mini Starter Kit. Note that the analog outputs are only available on the original Bela board, and not on Bela Mini.
This lecture also uses several electronic components:
- Solderless breadboard (Rapid, Adafruit)
- 1x pushbutton (Rapid, Adafruit)
- 3x 10k potentiometers (Rapid, Adafruit)
- 1x LED (any colour) (Rapid, Adafruit)
- 1x 10k resistor (Rapid, Adafruit)
- 1x 220 ohm resistor (Rapid, Adafruit)
- Jumper wires (Rapid, Adafruit)
Further reading
More information on calculating envelopes can be found in Chapter X of this textbook:
- Joshua D. Reiss and Andrew McPherson, Audio Effects: Theory, Implementation and Application. Publisher link.